Estudio comprensivo de la criminalidad
Crimininality, victimizer, victims perceptionAbstract
This project consisted of an analysis of criminality and attempted to make a conceptual explanatory framework of it. In order to carry out the research, the empirical referents were assumed to be: chronology, space, ways and means, and scenery related to crime. A study about the characteristics of victimizers and their victims was also carried out by taking into account the victims' perception and fear facing the criminal acts. From the conceptual point of view the epistemological presumptions of critical criminology were reconsidered to make the discussion about criminality dynamic. It is important to highlight that in this analysis, the importance of the investigation of criminal phenomenon was considered. As a result, the significance of investigation approaches and data collection in the study of criminality were reviewed.
Among the findings of this study, we have: In 1996, the Department of Atlantico, in Colombia, at a national scale, ranked 4th with respect to homicides (729 cases), 3rd regarding automobile theft (1861 cases), 2nd with respect to personal hurts (1961 cases) and home and commerce thefts (5523 cases). Data were obtained from the National Police Department.
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