Review of characteristics and uses of the plant Moringa oleifera


  • Alejandro Villarreal Gómez Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
  • Keyla Johana Ortega Angulo Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia



Moringa oleífera, food insecurity, food security, undernourishment


The knowledge of the Moringa oleífera plant and its possible impact on solving food insecurity issues is presented in this article through the review and analysis of studies that recognize its important properties and uses in medicine, chemical industry, agriculture and nutrition. From the variety of benefits this species offers to humanity in terms of medical, chemical and agricultural products, we can highlight  biogas, animal fodder, household cleaning products, cosmetics and medical products, water purification, among others (Fuglie, 1999). Finally the importance of Moringa oleífera plant is relevant on food security; this is because its potential benefits are many and the levels of anti-nutritional substances are very low. There are no arguments against consumption, becoming this way a nutritious and beneficial food which offers very attractive features to establish its farming (Olson y Fahey, 2011), and that if studies show the nutritional richness of the plant and its bio-availability in a sufficient way, we would have a powerful natural remedy to combat child and family malnutrition, especially in vulnerable populations.

Author Biographies

Alejandro Villarreal Gómez, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia

Administrador de empresas de la Universidad de Cartagena. Master en Tecnología Ambiental de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Especialista en Análisis y Gestión Ambiental. Universidad Del Norte. Doctorando en Desarrollo local y Planificación Territorial Universidad de Huelva-España. Docente investigador Universidad de Cartagena. Grupo AGROIME.

Keyla Johana Ortega Angulo, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia

Ingeniera de alimentos- Universidad de Cartagena. Joven investigadora COLCIENCIAS 2013-2014.


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How to Cite

Villarreal Gómez, A., & Ortega Angulo, K. J. (2014). Review of characteristics and uses of the plant Moringa oleifera. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 22(2), 309–330.



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