Business incubator research: a review and future directions


  • Geovanny Perdomo Charry Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jose Enrique Arias Pérez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Nelson Enrique Lozada Barahona Universidad de Antioquia


The purpose of the paper is to analyze the scientific production concerningBusiness Incubators. For which, 50 business incubation articles publishedbetween 1985 and 2012 in the journals of the field of entrepreneurship andtechnology management and innovation that are most important in theJournal Citations Report (JCR) were examined. In terms of results, thereis a predominance of qualitative studies focused mainly on the analysis ofthe creation of business incubators and their effects. In addition, the SocialCapital Theory, Institutionalist Theory, the Theory of the firm based onresources, Coevolution Theory, and Agency Theory, are the most widelyused frameworks

How to Cite

Perdomo Charry, G., Arias Pérez, J. E., & Lozada Barahona, N. E. (2015). Business incubator research: a review and future directions. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión. Retrieved from


