How do mexicans negotiate?


  • Manuela Camacho Gómez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


The area of international business requires executives and functionarieswith leading competences. Among them is the mastering of communicationand negotiation processes. Under these requirements, negotiators ofdifferent cultures have characteristics which make them outstand amongtheir pairs from other countries.In the case of Mexicans, they tend to be similar to their Latin Americancolleagues since their negotiation philosophy is that of bargaining and theperception of the other party is based on friendship and trust. Protocol,handling of emotions and meeting commitments are aspects which differentiatethe national negotiation process.With the definition of the Mexican negotiation characteristics we want tovisualize the Mexican style of doing business and the cultural elements thatmust be taken into account by those who pretend to develop more effectivenegotiations withgthe Mexican colleagues.

How to Cite

Camacho Gómez, M. (2015). How do mexicans negotiate?. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión. Retrieved from


