The Revista de Derecho is a biannual peer-reviewed publication funded by the University of the North (Colombia) ISSN 0121-8697 (print) • ISSN 2145-9355 (online), indexed in the National Index of Serial and Scientific Publications of Colciencias –Publindex– Category B. Its purpose is to disseminate scientific research papers in law, aiming to contribute to national and international legal science.

It consists of two permanent sections: (I) Research Articles, (II) Case Studies, and exceptionally, (III) Bibliographic Reviews. The Revista de Derecho welcomes unpublished content written in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese to promote cross-border and intercultural dialogue.

The journal uses a double-blind peer-review system and maintains an open-access policy for its content for the entire academic community.

Scientific contributions will be received through our Open Journal System, accessible through this portal. Submissions must meet all the requirements specified by the OJS system, indicating the area in which the work is included. These categories are:

  • Critical Studies of Law
  • Legal Theory
  • Interdisciplinary Studies of Law
  • Dogmatic Studies of Law
  • Legal Education and Legal Profession