Normative force, specular theory, and constitutional imperative

Normative force, specular theory, and constitutional imperative



Constitución, fuerza normativa, supremacía constitucional, teoría especular, imperativo constitucional


The essay weaves a revisionist analysis on the conceptual and structural relationship between three fundamental properties of modern constitutionalism: normative force, postulate of updating (reflected in a specular theory), and collective belief in the constitutional imperative. Throughout the pages, as far as possible, we try to explain the relational character of the conceptual
representations presented, so that the knowledge under analysis is capable of interfering in reality or, at the very least, understanding it better, purifying some classic ideas.

Author Biography

João Gaspar Rodrigues, Ministério Público do Amazonas

Abogado, especialista en Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal de la Universidad Cândido Mendes
de Río de Janeiro, Maestría en Derecho por la Universidad de Coimbra. Fiscal del Ministerio
Público de Amazonas.





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