El acceso a la administración de justicia y defensoría pública en posconflicto

Access to the administration of justice and public defender in post-conflict


  • Teddy Doria Orozco Institución Universitaria Marco Fidel Suárez https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8301-5651


Acceso a la administración de justicia, construcción de paz , defensoría pública, víctimas


Introduction: An analysis of the guarantee of access to the administration of justice through the National System of Public Defense in the context of Peacebuilding was carried out. Methodology: A type of qualitative research was used, appealing to an empirical - analytical paradigm and applying a descriptive approach. Results: At the national level there are (136) public defenders assigned to the Judicial Representation of Victims program in Law 975 of 2005 and (633) in the Judicial Representation of Victims group, for a total of (769). In addition, (327,513) powers of attorney entered in 2019 related to: Land Restitution (49,278), Victims in the Accusatory System: (6,018) and Justice and Peace: (272,217), in addition (8,285) powers of attorney registered from January to June of 2020, for a total of (335,798) not counting those already assumed. Violating behaviors were identified, linked to breaches in denial of comprehensive humanitarian care (506); as well as delay in terms to timely resolve procedures for victims of forced displacement (416). Conclusion: We are faced with the lack of tools that guarantee access to the Administration of Justice in times of peace, in the face of impossibilities and legal situations and the demands of the victims.





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