Las Necesidades jurídicas y de seguridad social en la demencia en Colombia
Legal and social security needs in dementia in Colombia
Demencia, seguridad social, cuidadores, políticas públicas, derechos humanosAbstract
Dementia includes a group of neurodegenerative diseases that is listed by the World Health Organization as a public health priority. Given the importance of treating it correctly and the need to guarantee conditions for the exercise of care for those who exercise this role, this article identifies the needs in dementia, related to social security and its answer from the law. Methodology: We conducted Semi-structured interviews with people with mild dementia and their caregivers. Also, we searched and analyzed the regulations and jurisprudence of the high courts, related to dementia. The most relevant findings reveal: the absence of policies aimed at people with dementia of late and early origin, barriers in access and care in the health system, family and social conditions that affect the family economy, absence of clear parameters to qualify dementia and its different types in decree 1507 of 2014 and labor flexibility agreements for people with family responsibilities (caregivers). In addition, caregivers are uninsurance in the occupational risk system. In conclusion, specific policies that contemplate the protection of the social security rights of people with dementia and their caregivers are necessary.
Key words: dementia, social security, caregivers, Public Policy, human rights.
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