Protection Measures for Vulnerable Children and Adolescents. Psychosocial Perspective of Family and Residential care


  • Elisa M. Martín Peré


Restitución de tierras, reparación integral, control judicial, derechos humanos


This article shows the results of a research project on the judicial stage of the land restitution policy in Santander. Thus, the sentences issued between 2017 and June 2018 have
been analyzed with the following objectives: on the one hand, to know what reparation
measures were adopted by the court in Santander and in which proportion, to know their
reparative approach; and on the other hand, to find out what judicial control mechanisms
were established in the ruling to supervise compliance. The results show that the orders
related to the restitution measure are the most frequent, appearing almost in equal proportion to the order to restitute materially, as well as to restitute by equivalent, unlike
previous years in which the first measure prevails, which is preferred according to the
law; likewise, it is considered necessary to increase the satisfaction measures, as well
as a greater application of the differential gender approach. On the other hand, judicial
control should be strengthened from the judgment itself, for adequate and effective compliance with the orders in the post-judgment stage.


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