The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 and seafarers. Regarding its ten years in force

The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 and seafarers. Regarding its ten years in force



International Labor Organization, Maritime Labour Convention 2006, Flag State, Port State, seafarers, labors rights.


On August 20, 2013, the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 entered into force, after 30 countries that make up the International Labor Organization ratified and adopted it internally. Since then, it has become the Seafarers' Bill of Rights and a guarantee for the protection of their human labor rights on board ships.

For this reason, this article has the purpose of carrying out an analysis of its implementation, achievements and challenges, on the occasion of the 10 years of its entry into force; with special emphasis on Colombia, since our country has not yet ratified said agreement despite being surrounded by two oceans and having more than 15,000 sea workers.

Author Biography

Christian Rodríguez Martínez, Universidad del Magdalena

Abogado de la Universidad del Magdalena, magíster en Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de La Sabana y doctorando en Derecho de la Universidad de Cádiz (España), docente de planta Facultad de Humanidades – Programa de Derecho, miembro del Grupo de Investigación Saberes Jurídicos -GRISJUM-, docente responsable del Semillero de Investigación en Estudios Constitucionales y Legislativos “Jacobo Pérez Escobar” de la Universidad del Magdalena, director académico del Centro de Estudios Derecho Prudente e investigador junior reconocido por MinCiencias.





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