Legal Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law through Case Studies
Legal Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law through Case Studies
Pedagogía, método de enseñanza, derechos humanos, derecho internacional humanitario, aprendizajeAbstract
The advantages and disadvantages of teaching and learning law is permeated by various internal
and external components of both the student and the teacher. Regarding the transmission and creation of legal knowledge, the line that determines what is “the best way to teach or
learn law” has not been settled, much less, if it is about defining the appropriate method to teach human rights and international humanitarian law, since, the latter field is not only about transmitting theoretical-legal contents to students, but also about cultivating their sensitivity and humanization, because it is useless to understand concepts such as human dignity if their emotional and affective sphere is unknown. This component can be approached via case studies
as a sensitizing tool.
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