Dissertation for new construction in the blame in Colombia contrahendo


  • Vladimir Monsalve Caballero Universidad del Norte


The juridical classification recognizes or it admits that the private autonomy is the starting point and conformation of the contract, but not until the point of considering that, the preliminary negotiations allow this way the concretion of a contract, this he/she has an own, or autonomous system that this subject to the terms included in the contractual text. On the contrary, the general rules of the game continue being the established ones for the normative mark in their combined one and therefore they share a necessary adaptation of the contractual agreement (lex privata,) to the same ones. Thus, the principle in good faith becomes present, it extends of equal form, in the content of each act that should be examined by the light of the particular circumstances, addressing the human behaviors and especially the acts and contracts that govern the coexistence, in such a way that these general prescriptions, will always be applied, not only to the contractual agreement, but also they will also be called to govern the whole process of formation, as that of improvement and execution. The European doctrine and especially the Italian and the Spaniard, in the last years, they have come finding in the good faith, the source of some secondary duties of behavior that govern the juridical prenegocial relationship, and that they have borne to a new dogmatic construction about the nature, foundation and extension of the precontractual responsibility.

Author Biography

Vladimir Monsalve Caballero, Universidad del Norte

Abogado, Universidad de Santo Tomás. Especialista en Derecho Comercial y Financiero.Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Derecho privado (DEA), Universidad de Salamanca(España), Master oficial en Regulación Económica, Universidad de Salamanca. Doctor (c) en DerechoPrivado, Universidad de Salamanca (España).



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