Equality in health rights and household have constitutional guarantees
Legislation of Social Security in Colombia, law 100 of 1993,includes in article 163, that non legally married couples living
together, in order to access health services as bene?tiary of the
person subscribed to the Obligatory Health Plan (Plan Obligatorio
de Salud P.O.S,) they had, as a requirement to be living together
for a minimum period of two (2) years.
This rule goes against our Political Constitution in its principals
of Human Dignity, No Discrimination, Integral Protection to the
Family, Universability and a worthy live, as well as fundamentals
rights as Live, Equality, free developement of personality, Family
Union, Social Security and Health. That, affecting 22.3% of our
population but had stopped on July the 11th
2007 by sentence
for being unconstitutional C-521 of 2007 of the Constitutional
Research Articles
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