Colombia, Spain, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador: Social Security for the olderly
There are (we study) three chapters about elder adult rights: Health, Pensions and Social Services. We analyze them from a historical and juridical point, with a simple and understandings language. This article is a corollary of a finished investigation by Rosario University and Iberomaericana Social Security Organization (OISS). We studied the development of three rights (healthy, pensions and social services) in Colombia taking its legality, jurisprudence and practice. In order to improve our knowledge about another Iberian-american countries, we also studied the development of the those three rights in Spain, Ecuador, Cuba, Costa Rica and Uruguay (taking the most important points). Some chapters had been studied by a holistic and dialect method. But, above all, every Social Security System must account in the first place the man, the human aspectDownloads
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