Legal issues surrounding the foreign element in the wake of heavy rains: Comparative analysis of civil jurisprudence of Colombian Supreme Court and the Spanish Supreme Court


  • Alma Ariza Fortich Universidad de La Sabana


The climate change has affected the earth in different ways. Frequents rain and floods are just one of them, and have caused damages in goods and lives. This document studies the water manage and the responsibility with a comparative method. Thus, comparing the decision of the Colombia and Spain Supreme Court, this text concludes that the prevention and the control of the activity determine the criteria to identify who is liable of water damage

Author Biography

Alma Ariza Fortich, Universidad de La Sabana

Cursa Maestría en Seguros y Responsabilidad Civil en la Universidad Javeriana. Abogada de la misma universidad. Profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Derecho de La Sabana y Miembro del Grupo de Derecho Privado de la misma universidad.





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