The Memory and the Forgivness: An aproximation from Amalia Valcárcel
This article is a discussion paper that includes basic coments of Amelia Valcárel latest text: Memory and Forgivness, about a very sensitiveissuein societies that have suffered the ravages and consequences of a civil war, an internal conflict or social strain that have severely affected human rights. Build memory is not easy for the victim. This task has a moral imposition of discernment because of the damagaes that are damages are rooted with the humans rights and these are minimum values ??universal. In this dimension, we analyze how the forgiveness of the victims to their abusers is an issue that can not be framed exclusively in the realm of punishment and penalties. It transcends the law. It is currently the subject of ethics and border policy, under which inhabits its active language. It is in itself very intimate, it’s the jurisdiction of the victim, which involves simultaneously cognitive, emotional, behavioral and spiritual aspects. Also involves the collective when attempting to validate decisions that weigh rights and peace, the pacific coexistence and the justice or even in the design of public policies for social healingDownloads
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