Creditors' mercantile contest: Vocatio in tribvtum. "The Action tributoria" opposite to the owner (corrupt businessmen)


  • Guillermo Suárez Blázquez Prof. Dr. Titular de Universidad Universidad de Vigo Facultad Derecho Campus Las Lagunas Ourense, C.P. 32004 España


The civil doctrine has defined the Actio Tributoria well as Actio in Factum, good as Actio Adiecticiae. The Action Tributoria is an action that suppresses the corruption of the businessman - owner, and must be placed in the general frame of the actions of company and of the trade created by the praetor

Author Biography

Guillermo Suárez Blázquez, Prof. Dr. Titular de Universidad Universidad de Vigo Facultad Derecho Campus Las Lagunas Ourense, C.P. 32004 España

Area Derecho Romano y Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados. Prf. DR. Titular de Derecho Romano y Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados.





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