Principles of corporate social responsibility in the colombian law


  • Adelaida Maria Ibarra Padilla Universidad del Atlántico. Grupo de Investigación Derecho y Territorio.


This paper examines how the principles of corporate social responsibility are included in the Colombian legal system. This is a descriptive and cross-sectional research, based on qualitative data, which examines the legal regulation of CSR in Colombia, from the analysis of the principles of Global Compact grouped into four areas: human rights, labor, environmental and fight against corruption. It is concluded that the different aspects of CSR are regulated to a greater or lesser extent in the Colombian legal system, which shows that this is not, at least not entirely voluntary and that the regulation in this area as well as initiatives volunteers are appropriate and necessary, not contradictory but instead are complementary.

Author Biography

Adelaida Maria Ibarra Padilla, Universidad del Atlántico. Grupo de Investigación Derecho y Territorio.

Abogada de la Univerisdad del Atlántico, Magíster en Derecho de la Universidad del Norte, Docente Investigadora de la Universidad del Atlántico. Actualmente Profesional Universitario del Ministerio del Trabajo.





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