Punishable behavior in the Colombian criminal law: analysis of Article 9 of the Penal Code


  • Sebastián Felipe Sánchez Zapata


Article 9 of the Criminal Code defines, as system governing principle, the punishable behavior concept. The following text, questioning the uncritical reception of foreign theories to the legal system, (also Codes, rules, etc.) presents some of the most important items of crime´s theory (behavior concept, negative and result sense, causation and ascription, malice systematic location and imputable liability) through Colombian criminal doctrine´s interpretation.

Author Biography

Sebastián Felipe Sánchez Zapata

Candidato a Mágister en Derecho Penal en la Universidad Eafit, Medellín-Colombia. Especialista en Derecho Penal de la misma universidad. Candidato a Mágister en "Sistema Penal, Criminalidad y Políticas de Seguridad" en la Universidad de Cádiz (España).





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