The cuneiform writing in the evolution of the law. Research around the origins of the western law from the theory of society of Niklas Luhmann


  • Carlos Orozco Arcieri Universidad del Norte


In this article we present the first results of the investigation “Me, Nomos,Ius”, in which we seek to show a series of theoretical and methodologicalquestions around the study of western law, its origins and its evolution,proposing a new transdisciplinary elaboration of the categories used. Thestudy of Mesopotamian law involves a re-conceptualization of the cuneiformwriting because it has been studied from disciplines that usually remainisolated from each other. Here we propose the analysis of the cuneiformwriting, based on archeology, asiriology, history, philology, anthropology,sociology and, above all, on the theory of socio-cultural evolution developedby Niklas Luhmann in the framework of his theory of society

Author Biography

Carlos Orozco Arcieri, Universidad del Norte

Doctor en Derecho con especialidad en Sociología jurídico-penal de la Universitat de Barcelona (España). Master in Criminologia critica, Prevenzione della devianza e Sicurezza sociale del Dipartimento di Sociologia della Università degli Studi di Padova (Italia). Profesor de Historia del derecho y de Sociología del derecho y Director del Grupo de Investigación en Sociología del Derecho de la Universidad del Norte.





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