Submission Guidelines

Articles must be submitted to the Open Journal System on letter-size paper. They must be unpublished, and the original Word file should be double-spaced (including references).

The article should include:

  1. Article Title: Not exceeding 12 words. In lowercase. At the bottom of the article title, indicate the origin of project funding (if applicable), grants, and support received for the development of the article. Please verify that the article title is appealing and effectively communicates the research objective in a clear and concise manner.

  2. An abstract not exceeding two hundred (200) words.

It should reference the nature of the document, the general objective of the research, the research methodology(ies) used, state the study or research purposes, main findings, and major conclusions or evidence in the language in which the article was written and in English. Keywords facilitating article indexing (maximum six) should also be indicated in both the language of the article and in English.

General Article Presentation Instructions:

  • Use 3 cm margins on all sides of the paper.
  • Number all pages in the upper right corner.
  • Write the entire article in double-spacing.
  • Do not insert tabs or extra spaces between paragraphs.
  • Do not insert page breaks.
  • Use a common default font (Arial), size 12.
  • Articles will be accepted in Spanish, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
  • The length should not exceed 30 pages (including references).
  • The manuscript must have a minimum of 25 citations.
  • Bibliographic references and other citations should follow the guidelines of the sixth edition of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  • When submitting via OJS, attach the original files of figures or tables that appear in the article, i.e., in the program in which they were created.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions and rights to include materials or illustrations from other sources.
  • The opinions expressed in the articles published in this journal are the sole responsibility of the authors.
  • The processing and submission of articles are entirely free. The journal does not charge authors at any stage of the editorial process.
  • Authors who publish their contribution in the journal editions will be disqualified for a period of 1 year from participating in the call again.

If you have any questions or comments, you can write to us at the email:


  • Article with DOI

Sarmiento Erazo, J. P. (1998). Territory without State: The case of the palafitic peoples in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Revista de Derecho, 43, pp. 110-157. doi

  • Article without DOI

Zuñiga Romero, M. & Del Águila Cazorla, O. (2008). The problem of commissions in the administration of Latin American pension systems: special reference to the Colombian system. Revista de Derecho, 44, 247-268.

Books and Book Chapters

Basic formats for complete books:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title. City: Publisher.

Author, A. A. (Year). Title. Available at

Author, A. A. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx

Author, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City: Publisher.

Book with author:

Sarmiento Erazo, J. P. (2010). State Patrimonial Responsibility for Legislative Omission, between the administrative judge and the constitutional judge. Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Book with editor:

Bernal Crespo, J. S. & Guzmán Mendoza, C. E. (Eds.). (2014). Human Rights: A Transdisciplinary Look. Barranquilla: Editorial Universidad del Norte.

Electronic version of a book:

Guzmán Mendoza, C. E. & Insignares Cera, S. (Eds.). (2010). Politics and Law: Challenges for the 21st Century. Available at

Basic formats for a chapter in a book or entry in a reference work:

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year). Chapter or entry title. In Author, A. A. (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). City: Publisher.

Technical Report:

Basic format:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title. (Report No. xxx). City: Publisher.

ILO (2000). Report on Work in the World 2000. Income security and social protection in a world in full transformation. Geneva: Employment and Social Policy Commission-International Labor Organization. Available at:

Legislation and Jurisprudence:

Republic of Colombia (2012). Law 1607, which issues rules on tax matters and other provisions.

Presidency of the Republic (2012). Decree 0019, which issues rules to eliminate or reform unnecessary regulations, procedures, and processes existing in the Public Administration.

Constitutional Court of Colombia (1992). Judgment T-533, J. P.: Dr. Eduardo Cifuentes.

Supreme Court of Justice. Judgment of June 6, 2012, J. P: José Luis Barceló Camacho. Docket 38,508.

Other courts:

European Court of Human Rights (1989). Soering v. United Kingdom Judgment No. 14038.

At the end of the article, include the list of references and other sources used in alphabetical order by author or, failing that, by title, while respecting the guidelines for footnotes. The document should be sent in a Word file, or its future versions, without editing restrictions.

Research articles and case reports submitted to the journal should have the following structure:

Introduction: This part should contain the problem statement, description of the research, and objectives. Question and justification: Explain the hypothesis and the importance of the research development. Methodology: Explain the specific methods used for data collection, analysis, and systematization, as well as the procedures used by the researcher to validate or refute the hypotheses based on the chosen data. Conclusions: In these, present the solution or possible solution to the problem and the contribution to the scientific community.

DOI System (Digital Object Identifier)

In order to continue with the rigor of scientific quality standards, starting from the year 2014, the journal will assign a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to the articles it publishes.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique and permanent identifier for electronic publications. It also provides information about the description, through metadata, of the digital object (author, title, publication data, ...) and its location on the internet.

The DOI system allows for the identification of electronic resources, content management, metadata management, among other benefits.

Therefore, articles submitted to the journal must reference the DOI in the bibliography, in case the referenced journal or book has this code.