Author Guidelines

Authors must take into account the following guidelines:

  • In the document you are submitting for double-blind peer review, the author's name or any other indication of authorship should NOT appear, both in the file name and in the text itself, so that it can be used for the respective blind reviews.
  • Please add the author's biography (educational background, research interests, institutional affiliation) along with the author's ORCID in lowercase to the "Comments for the Editor" section.
  • Authors should suggest potential reviewers, at least two (2), to review their manuscript in the "Comments for the Editor" section when submitting. Note that the editorial office may not use your suggestions, but your assistance is appreciated and can expedite the selection of appropriate reviewers.
  • Authors must complete the copyright transfer agreement form as an additional file.
  • For co-authored articles, please complete the individual author submission form as an additional file.
  • Note that the review process for your article will take between six and eight months.
  • The call for articles is ongoing.
  • All articles, without exception, undergo plagiarism prevention through the 'turnitin' internet service.
  • Those with a similarity percentage greater than 46% will be rejected.
  • During the submission and evaluation process, the journal sends messages through the OJS platform to your email account regarding the status of your contribution.
  • We recommend checking your spam or junk email folder regularly, as many messages sent from OJS may be found there.
  • Lastly, we suggest considering all the requirements and guidelines of the journal before submitting your article. This is the first screening process, and a document that does not meet all the requirements will be rejected.