La «plaza de la paz» y el diario «el heraldo» como espacios públicos de la protesta social en Barranquilla (Colombia): análisis de las noticias sobre protestas sociales consideradas acontecimientos periodísticos
News, social protest, social actors, visibilityAbstract
During the last 19 years, 57 protests in “Plaza de la Paz” were covered by “ El Heraldo” through 159 news. In 1986, 1989 and 2000, “El Heraldo” did not register protests in “Plaza de la Paz”. The journalistic treatment was oriented by the traditional rules of mass media: the differences in the levels of power of social actors; and the liberal model of information founded on “objectivity” influence the process of news production. The result is a medial scenery that is not very democratic, where the visibility depends on the power of the demonstrators; and where episodic information surpasses the thematic data contributing to a poor understanding of the facts transformed into news.
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