Cloning: An evolutionary foundation of the principles of dignity and equality facing cloning technique in human beings with reproductive aims
During the evolutionary process of the human species, naturehas worked hard on making each human being different fromany other. Through sexual reproduction, all genes from the fatherare put together with those of the mother. These genes combine
in infinite ways as to assure that genetically and biologically
each one of us is a unique individual. This guarantees the human
species success and the uniqueness of every human being.Cloning human beings as a biotechnological possibility, posesserious danger due to the scientific lack of knowledge in suchaspects as differentiation and genome reprogramming, as wellas it is imperfect because most reconstructed embryos die andis useless due to the genetic imprinting and mutations. It alsoviolates the equality and dignity principles consecrated for anymember of the human species.
Research Articles
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