Classification of decrees in force: Special reference to the so-called decrees in force


  • Loiralith Margarita Chirinos Portillo Universidad de Zulia
  • Fabiola del Valle Tavares Duarte Universidad de Zulia
  • María Eugenia Soto Hernández Universidad de Zulia


The investigation has two general objectives: examine decrees with force of law types in Venezuela’s Bolivariana Republic Constitution of 1999, and, determine the meaning of terms and expressions that compose the nomen decrees with force of law themselves according to Venezuela’s Bolivariana Republic

Constitution of 1999. The exam is approachhed according to documentary investigation strategy, based on analytic method.

The sources for information gathering conform to constitutional, legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential requirements. Venezuela’s Bolivariana Republic Constitution of 1999, according to classic doctrinal classification of decrees with force of law, contemplates decrees with force of law iure governments type like normative juridical acts of general effects with legal range, dictated by Republic’s President in Cabinet, in its two subtypes: decrees with force of law with posterior legislative habilitation and decrees with force of law with previous legislative habilitation, in this last one subtype are located decrees with force of law themselves.

Author Biographies

Loiralith Margarita Chirinos Portillo, Universidad de Zulia

Abogada, Mención Summa Cum Laude. Magíster Scientiarum en Ciencia Política
y Derecho Público, Mención Derecho Público

Fabiola del Valle Tavares Duarte, Universidad de Zulia

Abogada, Mención Summa Cum Laude. Magíster Scientiarum en Ciencia Política
y Derecho Público, Mención Derecho Público. Doctora en Derecho.

María Eugenia Soto Hernández, Universidad de Zulia

Abogada. Especialista y Magíster en Derecho Administrativo, Mención Summa
Cum Laude. Doctora en Derecho



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