Political participation under the tutelage


  • Beatriz Londoño Toro Universidad del Rosario
  • Mónica Aristizabal Botero Universidad de Manizales
  • María Teresa Carreño Universidad de Manizales


In the investigation about “Epistemology focus of the Constitutional Court about the tutela fails in the period 1992-2005, on the Fundamental Right to the Political Participation” we found that the rights involved were the right to elect and the right to be elected, the access to public jobs, the right to the vote and the right to conform political parties and movements. We did not find that the rights to resign the mandate, to participle in plebiscites and popular consults were mentioned. Colombia counts with a rich constitutional consagration which exceeds the simple right to vote and concedes the Colombian citizen to a great diversity of competences which allows them to a very more active role before the State matters, thus the jurisprudential development and the doctrinal right to the right in the political participation has been happening in a tangible way.

The method chosen was of the comprehensive and imperative kind.

Author Biographies

Beatriz Londoño Toro, Universidad del Rosario

Abogada, Universidad PontificiaBolivariana, 1984; Especialista en Derecho Constitucional y Ciencia Política, Centro de EstudiosConstitucionales de Madrid, 1986; Doctora en Derecho, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,1986.

Mónica Aristizabal Botero, Universidad de Manizales

Especialista en Derecho Administrativo, Universidad de Caldas, 1995; Especialista
en Finanzas Públicas, ESAP, 1998. Magíster en Educación Docencia. Ponente en temas de Derecho Público y sobre la enseñanza del Derecho.

María Teresa Carreño, Universidad de Manizales

Decana de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Manizales, directora del Centrode Investigaciones de la misma Facultad. Abogada, Universidad de Manizales, 1985; Magíster enEducación y Desarrollo Humano, convenio CINDE - Universidad de Manizales, 2004. Estudiantedel Doctorado de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud del mismo convenio.



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