Configuring the nation-state in Colombia in the context of globalization A reflection from the political scene


  • Diana Carolina Rico Revelo Universidad del Norte


With the sake of outlining some lines of analysis on the relation
of the State nation and the globalization, in the Colombian
context, to some Inter-subjective dimensions that circulate in
the contemporary political Colombian culture around ideologies of right, left and liberalism, in which global facts, international factors, traditional practices and phenomena of national current situation play their speci?c role.
It offers a dialectic glance of the subject, from the study of
cases on the law of “Bancadas”, the “FTA” and the policy of Democratic Security, among other subjects, that cause processes of
national identi?cation in the political and economic scope.The article offers ways
to advance, to resist the tendencies
of homogeneity that make invisible
individual territorial con?-gurations, where the national vanishes in the global thing and
the self-determination is sacri?ced, for categories like globalization and integration.

Author Biography

Diana Carolina Rico Revelo, Universidad del Norte

Psicológa Social y Política, Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano



Research Articles