The rebus sic stantibus clause en the purchase contract of an expected thing


  • José Hurtado Palomino Universidad de Santo Tomas, seccional Bucaramanga


In this paper, the application of rebus sic stantibus clause is revised in thepurchase contract of future fruits from a crop in the form of rei emptio speratae,with the purpose of reviewing the legal nature (principle or generalclause) and the structural elements of said clause; and assess its feasibilityin the aforementioned contract, in accordance with the principle of goodfaith and the sui generis nature of that legal transaction which gives itthe future character of its subject. The constitutional background of thatgeneral provision is also reviewed as reiteration of the Roman doctrine ofperson’s primacy in the law. To perform the legal research, from a methodologicalpoint of view, a technique of thinking based on a problematic casestudy is adopted.

Author Biography

José Hurtado Palomino, Universidad de Santo Tomas, seccional Bucaramanga

Abogado cum laude de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Seccional Bucaramanga, especialista en Derecho Comercial de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y magíster en Derecho Comercial de esta última universidad. Ejerció como abogado interno del Departamento Jurídico de la empresa agroindustrial Industrial Agraria La Palma Ltda. INDUPALMA LTDA. Actualmente es docente de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Seccional Bucaramanga; investigador del Grupo de Investigación Neoconstitucionalismo y Derecho de la misma institución; abogado litigante y asesor jurídico empresarial.





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