Identities suspended by the silence, the opacity, the shame and the taboos. Narratives about sexual violence in irregular war in the colombian Caribbean
In this paper, we present the product of the first part of this fieldwork developed in the framework of the research about Narratives of sexual violence in irregular warfare in Colombia's Caribbean: voices of gay, transgender, intersex, bisexual and lesbian, whose objective is to do a literary narrative of the sexual violence cases on the LGTBI population caused by paramilitary groups in this area. To develop our purpose in “introduction”, there is a brief review of the theoretical foundations of our investigation, previously published on Human Rights, a trans-disciplinary approach; then in “A needle in a haystack“, we talk about the difficult search for victims decided to testify; in “The territory, the trip, the music“, we can describe the context in which the interviews were made that led to literary narratives presented in “Living voices and absent voices”, to finally show some of the conclusions of this second part of our research.Published
Research Articles
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