The professional liability factor in modern doctrine


  • Alma Ariza Fortich Universidad de La Sabana


In the
frame work of the different theories concerning professional responsibility, this work pretends to present the general criterions established by national
and foreign modern specialists to determine when a professional
is responsible
for his/her procedures. This article wants to demonstrate that is possible to find
those general standards to impute professional responsibility, using a descriptive and analytic method. Thus, this study defines professional in terms of the
national and foreign modern studiers of torts, and presents the various criterions to impute responsibility to the agent that correspond to the definition previously stated, shifting with the obligations that every professional has. This
article shows the need to study the standards to impute professional liability
used by the Colombian jurisprudence.

Author Biography

Alma Ariza Fortich, Universidad de La Sabana

Cursa Maestría en Seguros y Responsabilidad Civil en la U. Javeriana. Abogada de la misma universidad. Profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Derecho de La Sabana y Miembro del Grupo de Derecho Privado de la misma universidad. Dirección: Campus Universitario del Puente del Común, Km 7 Autopista Norte de Bogota (Colombia)



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