Concession contracts and financing of public hospitals: Juridical analysis for Spain


  • Francisco Reyes Santías Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Aims: To Analyze the available law evidence for on the results of the Concession
of Public Contracts for the construction and management of hospitals and its
impact on the Spanish Public Health System.Methods: Bibliographical Search and analysis of doctrine and its jurisprudence
on the concession contracts for building sanitary infrastructures.Results: Concession contracts do not serve for managing Health Care public
services. In the public health care system, the change for labour status, could
damage health care workers’ rights. The insertion of private sector management
with authority and responsibility on personnel attending patients generates
concerns.Conclusions: The Concession contracts seem to appear as a solution for
financing health care hospitals, but the analysis offers a critical vision.

Author Biography

Francisco Reyes Santías, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Phd in Económicas, MBA, MSc in Health Economics, BSc in Economics, Licenciado en Derecho.



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