Las representaciones colectivas de la juventud barranquillera
Social representation, young people, family, State, education, BarranquillaAbstract
This investigation has the fundamental purpose of identifying the interpertative schemes and the simbolic reproductions that the youth have of themselves, the family, the state and the eductaion. Besides of the influence of the masive communicational media in the every day life of a young adult in Barranquilla.
For the development of this investigation the work plan was based on a descriptive design. 1.078 young adults were interviewed of ages ranking from 12 to 23 years of age, of high, medium and low social stratus, of any marital status and even part o the same educational systme. Ot will also be implied in the study, groups of young adults with specific characteristics.
The results shows that our youth knows the rigth to be the institutions, presenting a utilitary vision, specially the family. Is evident besides the difficulty of the search of strategies to transform their reality.
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