La construcción de representaciones sociales acerca de la pobreza y desigualdad social en los niños de la región Caribe colombiana.



Social world representation, social inequality, socioeconomic levels, poverty


This article is a report of a research carried out with a sample of 486 school children, aged 6-18 years old, from Barranquilla and other villages of the Colombian Caribbean Region. The sample was stratified in nature, according to age, sex and socioeconomic level. The deep Piaget's Indi vidual Clinical Interview was used to get information about subjects' rep resentations of rich and poor people, the existence of intermediate socio economic levels among the usual, the self-characterization of the subjects, and the origin of the causes of poverty and social inequality and its pos sible solutions. Data were analyzed quantitatively by using the statistical package SPSS/PC4.0 and the MICROSTAT program, and qualitatively through the content of the answers. Results show the existence of four de velopment levels with a clear evolutive sequence related to age.

Author Biographies

José Juan Amar Amar, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

PhD con grado mayor en Psicología social.

Raimundo Abello Llanos, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Doctor en Educación.

Marianella Denegri Coria, Universidad Católica de Chile

Doctora en Psicología.

Marina Llanos Martínez, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Magister en Educación.

Grey Jiménez Gómez, Universidad del Norte, Colombia



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How to Cite

Amar Amar, J. J., Abello Llanos, R., Denegri Coria, M., Llanos Martínez, M., & Jiménez Gómez, G. (2022). La construcción de representaciones sociales acerca de la pobreza y desigualdad social en los niños de la región Caribe colombiana. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 9(2), 592–613. Retrieved from



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