Reading and writing, a window to the universe of children

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Socorro Astrid Portilla Castellanos
Maria Nuria Rodríguez
Alhim Adonai Vera Silva


The reading and writing project in preschool is a research exercise aimed at identifying the appropriate pedagogical process (we have called it the pedagogical route) to conduct reading and writing in children from four to six years old, who attend some institutions Public and private educational institutions of the metropolitan area, of the city of Bucaramanga. In addition to specifying the pedagogical route that most closely approximates the needs of the population, this project seeks to propose basic orientations directed to teachers about the readiness to the process of literacy.
The proposal arises from concerns built by researchers in previous research processes that allowed the knowledge and understanding of pedagogical practices and educational needs of the child population, which must be addressed from the pedagogy, to strengthen the processes of development of children before Bring them to formal reading and writing.
With the work it was possible to establish different pedagogical actions that promote the preparation and therefore form the pedagogical route: Actions of the cognitive field, Actions of the field affective, Actions of the communicative field and finally, Actions of the psychomotor field.
The project was developed with the qualitative approach with Research Action design. We consider that this form of inquiry has allowed us to approach in a natural way to schools and classrooms and to build knowledge based on pedagogical practice analyzed and reflected on a permanent basis. It also concludes the need to strengthen the institutional educational projects of schools in terms of active, creative, innovative and playful curricular designs.


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Author Biographies

Socorro Astrid Portilla Castellanos, Docente Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Doctora en Educación. Docente tiempo completo Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Maria Nuria Rodríguez, Docente investigador Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Doctora en Educación. Docente tiempo completo Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Alhim Adonai Vera Silva, docente investigador Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga. Doctor en Educación. Docente tiempo completo


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