La lingüística textual y la cultura escrita en la Universidad.

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Luz Stella Castañeda



This article shows the results of an experience in Spanish I course oriented from the perspective of textual Linguistics. Besides, a comparison is made between results of a traditional course, in the Faculty of Economics of Universidad de Antioquia, in the first semester 2002. The instruments used to carry out this study were reading and writing tests applied to students of semesters II and III of Economics, Accounting and Administration programs of the Faculty. The same tests were applied to 20 students, a sample taken at hazard from a group of 80 students, who attended Spanish I in the first semester of the career. Results show that students lack of the ability to summarize, which indicates a very critical reading and writing problem in the Faculty of Economics. These results contrast with results of Spanish I course, where students’ performance were much better. This seems to indicate that the problem is on the type of orientation received in the high school and in the Spanish course in the first semester.


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Author Biographies

Luz Stella Castañeda, Universidad De Antioquia

Profesora de la facultudad de comunicaciones de la Universidad De Antioquia. Integrante del grupo de estudios LINGÜÍSTICOS REGIONALES

José Ignacio Henao

Profesor de la facultudad de comunicaciones de la Universidad De Antioquia. Integrante del grupo de estudios LINGÜÍSTICOS REGIONALES



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