Pedagogía del afecto: Un amalgamamiento de perspectivas para la educación del colombiano del nuevo milenio

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Ofelia May


This article discusses the features of the kind of pedagogy which, according to the author, a country like Colombia is in urgent need of pedagogy of the affect. More specifically, six traits of such a pedagogy are explored: a close look at the socio-cultural context; use of the metaphor as a pedagogical tool; raising students' language aware awareness; teaching about power relationships; learning about students' differences; establishing a community of teacher-researchers. Examples taken from the author's 25 year experience as an educator illustrate how teachers in the context of Colombia and the Caribbean Colombian region can make this pedagogy a reality. 


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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Ofelia May, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Magister en educación, Universidad Del Norte. Investigadora del grupo lenguaje y educación.



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