La lectura como un modo de interacción social

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Adriana Bolívar


In this paper I claim that the Reading of most texts is ideological and that the act of reading must be examined as a mode of sociol interaction because we cannot forget that we are all participants in a social process. The theoretical reference is provided by critical! Discourse analysis (Von Dijk, 1993, Foirciaugh, 1992, Bolfvar, 1994, 1996). Three models of discourse analysis are presented and the implications for critical reading ore examined. A whole text is read with attention to the role of the reader as interpreter and social actor, and the rights and duties of the reader ore discussed, particularly with reference to the field of education.



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Artículo de investigación
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Adriana Bolívar, Universidad Central De Venezuela

PHd análisis del discurso, Universidad de Birmigham, Inglaterra, Magister en educación, Universidad de Londres




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