Reading: a mark of citizenship

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Miguel Ángel Herrera Delgans


Reading comprehension is a basic process for education, because of constantly there are developed tests to measure the students´ reading performance. This paper presents a reflection on the role that text comprehension plays in building a better society. One argument raised is that reading is an active process with social connotations, and in our time these connotations are mainly associated with the contexts related to city, reading affects, not only the school, but the life in community, so it is stated that the city should look carefully to what their citizens read. A society that does not assume responsibly about this relationship cityreading will observe social changes (it is between the quality of the interpretation of its citizens) may not have leadership in what relates to this aspect: this city will eat of the crumbs of development.


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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Herrera Delgans

Trabajo en la Universidad del Norte en el Departamento de Lenguas y en la Universidad del Atlántico en las facultades de Educación y de Humanidades



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Pie de página

Entre 2000 y 2005, la lectura habitual en Internet creció en un 144% entre todos los encuestados y creció en un 152% entre la población lectora (se tomaron en cuenta las 11 ciudades comparables): Bogotá, Barranquilla, Medellín, Cali, Bucaramanga, Manizales, Pasto, Pereira, Cúcuta, Ibagué y Montería. (DANE, 2005: Hábitos de lectura y consumo de libros)