Domestic Violence: Effectiveness of law in the neighborhood of Las Flores in the city of Barranquilla


  • Mónica Vásquez Universidad del Norte
  • Yadira Alarcón Palacio Universidad del Norte.
  • María Amarís Macías Universidad del Norte.


The Domestic Violence is a problem that affects every day more
families in Colombia and prints footprints in the affected are
indelible over time and generating unrest and bad behavior,
until they reach the violation of fundamental constitutional
rights, generated from this new social problem areas that are
legitimate in the private sphere and to demand new shares of
State, which has shelved the effective protection of the most
important institution of society: the family.

Author Biographies

Mónica Vásquez, Universidad del Norte

Abogada, Universidad del Norte. Especialista en Derecho Procesal Civil

Yadira Alarcón Palacio, Universidad del Norte.

Abogada, Universidad del Norte; Doctora en Derecho, Universidad Autónoma
de Madrid

María Amarís Macías, Universidad del Norte.

Psicóloga; magíster en Proyectos de Desarrollo Social de la Universidad del
Norte; Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de París XII Vall
de Marne.



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