Transmission of goods and property registration in Spain


  • Joaquín Sánchez Cebrián Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


Traf?c of goods within the legal scope imposed by the will of the particulars
is a core issue of interest, not only to the contract parties but to everyone,
particularly to the transferor/acquirer creditors and to third parties
acquiring rights on the goods. The scope of this work is to analyze the
transfer of goods regime “inter vivos” within the Spanish Law, within
the European legal scope and with emphasis on the real state transfers.
Spain has adopted a peculiar transfer system, due to the fact that general
rules apply notwithstanding the immovable or movable nature of the good,
and, additionally, other rules are superposed intending to establish the
effects that derive from the real state register publicity. The coordination
between the above-mentioned rules produces an original result that may
constitute the meeting point of different European register systems.

Author Biography

Joaquín Sánchez Cebrián, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Doctor en Derecho.



Research Articles