Decolonizing investigative praxis. Towards other ways of reasoning and stir emotions

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Silvia Carina Valiente


This article aims to be an exercise in critical self-reflexivity, understood not as an exercise in personal reflection but as an action that is carried out collectively - in this case, with the members of the research team of which it was its director -, where, together we question our Research praxis from recognizing ourselves as social and singular subjects. In this sense, rather than accounting for the results of an investigation, we will explain the way in which some of us were trained as researchers, encouraging the incorporation into academic writing of the way we reason and get excited as an inescapable instance of the research that in our practice tends to be the great absent, the reader being free to make associations and deductions about the author's positioning, positioning that far exceeds the theoretical framework, which is usually explained and developed. That said, we hope that our contribution can be understood as a decolonizing practice, feeling called to communicate also the way we reason and get excited in the process of knowledge construction.


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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Silvia Carina Valiente, Conicet CIT Catamarca

Investigadora Adjunra de Conicet. Centro de Investigción y Transferencia de Catamarca (CITCA) 



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