Ludic and applied research Experience of a pedagogical and anthropological practice

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José Luis Ramos Ramírez


This article is an example of the possible link between anthropology and interdisciplinary pedagogy and educational research and teaching, all as a preliminary result of research. The problems begin at work of teachers’ higher education training that originated the project of applied research of the game, with the aim of generating some recommendations and teaching strategies for supporting and enriching the educational and research work. Thus, the anthropological perspective on the link between play and education work in addition with other approaches of other sciences of education. The different conceptualization and theorization of the game allowed the opening of new analytical routes and didactical work.


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Artículo corto de resultados preliminares de investigación
Author Biography

José Luis Ramos Ramírez

Antropólogo, profesor-investigador de tiempo completo de la escuela nacional de antropología e historia (enah/ méxico), adscrito a la licenciatura de etnología.


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