Reality and prospective view of mathematics teachers from a problem issue

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José Ortiz Buitrago
Luis Rico Romero
Enrique Castro Martínez


The didactic application of mathematical modelling in the curriculum of mathematics in secondary and its practical use in teaching and learning represents the core of this work. The objective was to analyze the production of ten pre-service mathematics teachers, related to a problem situation, specifically addressing: 1. The design of a guide for activities to be developed to model a situation, 2. Math concepts identified by them in the modelling and, 3. The development of an educational activity designed to expose the modelling of a proposal to school students. The study used a qualitative research and found that student teachers considered the joint teacher-student work, group discussion and reporting and communication of mathematical ideas to the class as very important.


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Artículo corto de resultados preliminares de investigación
Author Biographies

José Ortiz Buitrago, Universidad de carabobo. Venezuela

Dr. En matemáticas por la universidad de granada, españa. Profesor titular. Coordinador de la cátedra de matemática del ciclo básico, facultad de ciencias económicas y sociales. 


Luis Rico Romero, Universidad de granada. España 

Dr. En matemáticas por la universidad de granada, españa. Profesor catedrático. Director del departamento de didáctica de la matemática.


Enrique Castro Martínez, Universidad de granada, españa

Dr. En matemáticas por la universidad de granada, españa. Profesor catedrático del departamento de didáctica de la matemática. Universidad de granada. adscrito al Grupo de Investigación Fqm193: Didactica De La Matematica. Pensamiento Numérico


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