Analysis of cryptocurrency investment using sentiment analysis methodology: a digital revolution unveiled

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Roberto Atanes Torres
Sonia Martin Gomez
ANGEL Bartolome Muñoz de Luna


This article will explore and provide evidence on the relationship between cryptocurrencies and social networks through the use of digital social listening tools, exploring data retrieved from social networks as a sentiment analysis methodology that allows us to focus on the urgent need to provide adequate levels of financial education in the digital economy so that the cryptocurrency user or investor is aware of the existing risks associated with cryptocurrencies, especially among young people, of the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, and we should not underestimate the influence that social networks have had, and continue to have, on the perception and adoption of digital currencies, and even on their popularity.

As a consequence of this, and the subsequent popularisation of cryptocurrencies on social media platforms, the reach and influence of cryptocurrencies would have determined the public's perceived linguistic awareness of these digital assets, dominating the communicative competence and thus influencing the sentiment that social media users and internet users have generated towards them. In fact, social media platforms have become a powerful catalyst for the transmission of information, news and opinions about cryptocurrencies, serving as unregulated digital forums where users share opinions, analyses and predictions. This would pose a dilemma in terms of determining what information is reliable, which, coupled with the lack of regulated oversight of cryptocurrencies, would require providing users with the necessary knowledge to mitigate risks and promote informed decision-making.

The aim of this article is to provide evidence of how social networks act as an indispensable channel in the cryptocurrency phenomenon and its public perception, which would make it necessary to evaluate the role that accurate and accessible financial education has to play, with the clear aim of reducing the risks inherent to digital currencies, for while social media has opened a window on the world, it has also exposed us to variations in our linguistic awareness both right and wrong, which can confuse us and influence our use of language.


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