Construyendo un segundo idioma. El constructivismo y la enseñanza del L2

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Kathleen Corrales Wade


During the last 30 years of the 20th century, the way a second language is taught and learned has changed due to new ideas of what constitutes language and advances in research on the human mind and the processing of knowledge. Today, communicative language teaching in the second language classroom is as accepted as the constructivist model of teaching in general education. However, rarely these two approaches to teaching and learning are combined, although they are harmonious. This theoretical essay views five principals that are fundamental to learning a second language from the combination of constructivism and the communicative approach.


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Artículo de reflexión
Author Biography

Kathleen Corrales Wade, Universidad del Norte.

A tesol, med cognición. Profesora del instituto de idiomas. Universidad del norte


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