Exploring undergraduate students’ identities and heritage as a culturally sustaining practice in the EFL classroom

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Beatriz Cárdenas Cárdenas


This research explores the benefits of implementing Culturally Sustainable Pedagogies (CSP) in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class at a public university in the Colombian Caribbean region. Framed within an Action Research design, this study aims to comprehend the impact of these pedagogies on students’ cultural and linguistic practices. Rooted in sociocultural theory, critical pedagogy, and culturally sustainable pedagogies, the study investigates how the latter can contribute to a holistic language learning experience that goes beyond linguistic competence to include a deeper understanding of cultural nuances. Employing an Educational Action Research methodology, this study incorporates documentary analysis to assess integration and potential curricular adjustments necessary for CSP implementation. Additionally, it utilizes the analysis of student narratives to capture their individual experiences and perceptions regarding CSP implementation. Findings reveal a substantial positive impact on students’ cultural connections. In their narratives, students highlight that, through the use of CSP, they were able to demonstrate increased cultural awareness and a stronger connection to their heritage, reflecting the rescue and appreciation of local traditions. The study concludes that implementing CSP in the EFL classroom significantly enhances students’ cultural experiences. Findings underscore the need for educators to adopt culturally sensitive, inclusive approaches that recognize and integrate students’ cultural roots. This research contributes to expanding the discourse on language teaching methodologies, emphasizing the importance of cultural sustainability for a more meaningful and relevant learning experience for our students.


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Beatriz Cárdenas Cárdenas, Universidad de Sucre

Magister en la Enseñanza del Inglés (Universidad del Norte)


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