Las preguntas de los estudiantes: Una manera de construir aprendizaje

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Carolina Tapia de Vergel


What do our students want to know in class? What do their questions mean? Why are they so scarce? How does methodology proposed by teachers influence the way of asking questions? AII these questions are some of the aspects which are presented in this article. To do this, we take into account parts of the conversation of teachers and students. These parts refer to questions in the dynamic of classroom processes. The researches that are the framework of this article were carried out by Colectivo Urdimbre, sponsored by Colciencias and Universidad del Norte, in six schools of Barranquilla and one of the Departamento del Atlántico, Colombia, in Natural Sciences and Social Sciences classes, seventh and eighth grade. This topic is interesting beca use most questions, in the classroom context, are asked by teachers, and the answers given by students. Nevertheless, through the analysis performed, we could observe the construction of concepts with a high learning levet beca use of the reflective processes provoked on students when asked questions related to school texts, teacher’s discourse and other students’ discourse.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Tapia de Vergel, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Magíster en educación, Universidad Del Norte.

Profesora colegio Barranquilla para Señoritas.

Diana Ávila García

Magíster en educación, Universidad Del Norte. Profesora del Instituto Comercial Francisco Javier Cisneros.



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