Factores de escala y de aprendizaje de conceptos.

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Aníbal Mendoza Peréz


This article is a theoretical study aiming at building the rationale of methodology which promotes dialoguing learning-teaching processes in classroom. In this work, a mathematical model of scale factors is described. It is used to analyze a definition: the viability factor of a cel!. This is taken as a metaphor in order to construct another definition which I have called learning factor. This definition is related to Piaget's balancing theory and Vygotsky's proximal development zone. Common points in these three definitions are sought in order to promote critical reflections in teachers to produce the transformations of the learners' cognitive schemata for the appropriation of concepts as accepted by scientific communities.


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Author Biography

Aníbal Mendoza Peréz, Universidad Del Norte.

Doctor en educación, curriculo y enzeñanza Universidad de Puerto Rico (RIO PIEDRAS), Magister en educacioón, Universidad Javeriana - Universidad Del Norte.




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