La pedagogía: Conceptua lización obligatoria en los programas formadores de maestros

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Margarita Del socorro Osorio Villegas


This essay points out at some elements of the rationale of a program for teacher education. Through a reflection about the rationale of pedagogy, weconclude that the teacher to be educated must have a strong knowledge of Pedagogy in order to rationally base his/her educational activity, and be able to work in an interdisciplinary way with the other Sciences of education without the confusion and dispersion which have marked the educational discourse and practice from the time the pedagogue gave his/her protagonist role in education to sociology and to psychology.


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Author Biography

Margarita Del socorro Osorio Villegas, Iinvestigadora de la línea de investigación en pedagogía Universidad del Norte.

Magister en educación, Universidad de Antioquia, licenciada en Educación, Universidad Bolivariana.



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