Strategies for the development of academic text comprehension.

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Carmen Forero Baena,


This article is a report of an applied and cuasiexperiental research with a mixed paradigm. The research purpose was to make that the students of the first semester belonging to the Programme of Mathematics at the Universidad de Sucre (Colombia), applied cognitive and metacognitive strategies before, during and after reading to enhance information processing. Data was collected through a questionnaire, which showed if students used the strategies proposed by Solé (1998), and from the educational intervention, it is concluded that 76% and 86% of students changed their reading behaviors and were able to understand academic texts by applying reading strategies proposed by Solé (1998). The analysis of the results proved the effectiveness of reading strategies.


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Author Biographies

Evelyn de Jesús Guerra

Docente de la Universidad de Sucre, magister en Educación. Departamento de humanidades.


Carmen Forero Baena,, Universidad de Sucre

Magister en EducaciónProfesora de tiempo completo,


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